What Our Clients Say about The PEOPLE Process®

Our organizational culture is centered on Pam’s Team Skills and Leadership Training. This training program sets our company’s expectations and standards of conduct from near day one of our team members’ employment. The key standards include building an effective team through Trust, Conflict Management, Commitment, Accountability and Results. There is no gray area when the training is completed on these standards or what it takes to understand personality types through The PEOPLE Process.
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc., team members work in very stressful environments 24/7 at bases around the world. We are a stronger band of brothers and have experienced far fewer unresolved conflict issues as a direct result of this training. The training has taught us that conflict is expected and can be good as long as we recognize what it is and how to manage it without getting personal. The training also provides the foundation of knowledge that allows us to understand the different personality types and how we can work together more effectively. As a manager, I can say this training has helped our organization manage countless potential conflicts upstream where they belong so I am not wasting time downstream dealing with problems that should not exist.
The impact of The PEOPLE Process Team Skills Training has resulted in our team receiving very complimentary Contractor Performance Assessment Report Ratings (CPAR) across the board from the U.S. Air Force. The high CPAR ratings are partly credited to The PEOPLE Process Team Skills Training.
Blair Smith
Program Manager, Creech Air Force Base
General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc.
Our staff participated in a teleclass training of The PEOPLE Process and had a great experience. Some of our staff was already familiar with psychological type theory and are currently doing interpretations on our campus for our students. We really felt The PEOPLE Process presentation was very insightful not only in content but in the delivery and application of the material. The takeaways from this presentation clarified how the theories apply to everyday relationships and interactions. Great hands-on tools. We plan to integrate The PEOPLE Process into our presentations.
Jodi Chowen
Career Development Manager
Career Services, BYU-Hawaii
Many thanks for the newsletters which I look forward to reading each month. Yet again, The PEOPLE Process was greatly received by all the participants involved in our management training at the beginning of the year and we are looking forward to using it again in our Management Training Programme at the end of June.
Elaine Dalton
Change Management & Training Unit
Dublin, Ireland
I really enjoy all of The PEOPLE Process updates. Your field of expertise is very enlightening and is the highlight of the LOA course that I took. I have used it quite frequently and find it so helpful, that I thought it would be right somehow to say something to you Pam. It is so helpful in so many areas and helps create a beam of light by making clear a direction for people who are having difficulties. It opens the doors for people who are ‘stuck’ and otherwise confused or at crossroads. It is a great tool and I am always surprised at just how effective it is. I am constantly pleased with The PEOPLE Process. Thank you for a mighty fine piece of work. If this could be put into every classroom, I dare say it would make some mighty advantageous results.
Maggie MacLean
HSE, NLP & Clinical Hypnotherapist
I just wanted to let you know I am still using The PEOPLE Process with great results and enthusiasm from my students. I recently have been working with our speech classes centered around communication styles and group dynamics. The PEOPLE Process, coupled with some activities I have them do, really generate a lot of conversation and forces them to look at their behavior in group interaction through a whole new lens. I will be incorporating The PEOPLE Process into my career exploration class this fall. I'm looking forward to working with my students using this tool as compared to my "old" MBTI DVD. Your product is really interactive which I believe makes all the difference in their understanding of type. Thanks again for this wonderful product!
Clayton Robinson, Counselor
Metropolitan Community College – Maple Woods
Kansas City, Missouri
The session that I led for our company's twenty Human Resource and Training Professionals went very well and the feedback I received was wonderful. The participants truly enjoyed discovering their "type" and learning about their peers as well. They loved The PEOPLE Process tools and said they made it easy to stay engaged and gave them information in a clear and concise way. The session lasted about 2-1/2 hours and they were hungry for more! I referred them to the TPP participant book for further reading. The learning session was indeed "profound" for all the participants. As our organization determines next steps for The PEOPLE Process, I will keep in touch.
Mary Ellen Higgins, SPHR
Director, Training & Development
I was the facilitator for the session where approximately 50 staff within our division participated and learned about The PEOPLE Process. Of all the things we did during our staff gathering that day, this exercise was by far the best received, and it was very rewarding to me personally as a facilitator. My first exposure to The PEOPLE Process was about 15 years ago when I was also a facilitator presenting The PEOPLE Process, but for another Business Unit within the City of Calgary. I have pulled this out from time-to-time to help me address certain issues and have found it to be a useful, easy to use tool.
Marty Bogart, P. Eng.
Supervisor, Telecommunications
Information Technology
City of Calgary, Canada
The Urban Group LLC, Las Vegas, Nevada
The PEOPLE Process is a great tool to help team members understand themselves and their teammates better and serves as an important vehicle to begin deep discussions in groups, including those with conflict and tension. My clients love it because it has been delightfully accurate and is a practical "take-away" that they can share with the significant people in their lives. I highly recommend it as the key tool for facilitators to use to assess personality types.
Ruth Urban M.S.
Certified Professional Facilitator
The Urban Group LLC
Las Vegas, Nevada
Insurance Company, San Francisco, California
The personality-type materials from The PEOPLE Process have been a huge hit in our company leadership program. Our managers can identify their personality type within 6-7 minutes and they love it. I would recommend purchasing this product for any organization that wants to enhance any team building, leadership or management training.
Michael J. Milbier, MBA
Training & Development Manager
Insurance Company, San Francisco, California
PKA Training & Development Ltd.
"PKA Training Ltd. is very pleased to endorse The PEOPLE Process®. This simple and practical tool is an integral component of much of our work and we have used it with unfailing success across a wide range of organisations, subject matters and participant profiles. We have found this product to be effective in training diplomats in negotiation and crisis management skills, retrenched fishermen in job seeking skills, managers in hi-tech organisations in career development, hospital emergency-room staff in managing conflict encounters, civil servants in time management skills, trainers in advanced facilitation skills, and entrepreneurs in new business start-ups. Without exception, participants have been able to relate easily to the use of the system, are amazed at the uncanny accuracy of the profiles, and have been able to apply The PEOPLE Process®. in their daily work. This product makes the theory of "Psychological Type" accessible to all and is an essential asset in our range of learning and development materials and methodologies."
David Kenny
PKA Training & Development Ltd.
Segue Consulting Group, LLC
This is very helpful information. I am a bit embarrassed to admit that the solution is so simple (and yet, elegant). I have to say that I agree with many who have told you that it is highly accurate--even more so, perhaps, than the actual assessment vehicles. I am very impressed and even more pleased that "I found you". I will get a lot of mileage out of this tool.
Mike Burroughs
Managing Principal
Segue Consulting Group, LLC
15009 Manchester Road, #265
St. Louis, MO 63011

Thank you so much for coming each semester and training our classes – the students find The PEOPLE Process® training to be a very practical approach to understanding and using psychological type theory.
Adrienne Ekas, LCSW
Field Associate, Instructor
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Train & Retain, Inc.
I have used The PEOPLE Process® and loved it. What a great way to help a group first understand themselves and then the people that they work with, without a huge time investment or lengthy testing procedures. The exercises really help the participants see how the different aspects of their personalities affect how they complete certain tasks. It was a great way for them to learn to work together and provided an outstanding base for future training and growth, plus a chance to just have some fun together! I would recommend The PEOPLE Process® to anyone who is interested in helping individuals and groups get to know one another and work together as a team!
Diana Lucas
Train & Retain, Inc.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Aviation Insurance Services
The PEOPLE Process® has been very useful in bringing together various work groups in our organization. I have trained our customer support personnel, who work directly with customers and account executives, on using The PEOPLE Process® and it has helped them to better communicate and interrelate with the account executives. The outcome of the training is that they feel more unified and have created better, more efficient working relationships with their account executives. I have personally found that knowing the individual types of my customer support personnel has helped me to better train and communicate with them. I am able to structure trainings or meetings in a way that all of them will respond to.
Shellie K. Hulet
Asst. Vice President
Aviation Insurance Services
Las Vegas, Nevada
Raytheon Company
Following the merger of four multi-billion dollar aerospace companies, I was asked to lead a technology transition team chartered to integrate and develop the combined technologies. The PEOPLE Process® proved to be an invaluable tool for choosing and building the team comprised of scientists, engineers and physicists that are among the top in the world. Because the technical community often emphasizes the technical (hard stuff) over the people (soft stuff), The PEOPLE Process® provided a powerful, unique and practical way to get the team members to understand and complement their differences and strengths. Above all, it was key to developing strong personal and professional relationships and enabled effective communication among team members who had been arch rivals and competitors for many years prior to the merger.
Col. Jerry Tiahrt, Retired
U. S. Air Force
Director, Technology Integration
Raytheon Company
Communications Management Consultant
I have been working with a small, family-owned company that has a large number of employees with only a limited amount of formal education. The key issue I was addressing with about 1/3 of the company was communication. Within this company, I have conducted two 4-hour modules and the foundation in module one was The PEOPLE Process®. Everyone immediately understood. I had them interview each other with the profile sheets and you could see the light bulbs continue to go on! As a 'homework' assignment, I had them interview a colleague and be prepared to come back and report on the three major questions: "How were you alike?" "How were you different?" and "How can you improve your relationship?" With two exceptions, everyone came back with real 'aha's'.
This is a valuable tool they will continue to use. The benefits we listed were:
- Makes me stop and think before I approach this person
- Allows me to position my questions differently
- I realize I have to get right to the point and not 'dilly dally'
- I can tell why I made him crazy on the phone
- I know not to ask him to talk in the full group
- I know why we have so much trouble with implementation
- I can tell why details are so important to him
- I always thought she didn't like me
- He's not rude, he just wants me to get to the point
- I realize the value of being more patient with certain people
- I can really use this with the customers
- I can make better use of my time on the phone
- I know why I get flustered with too many things at one time
- All very important self-learning's as well as understanding how others want them to relate.
Patricia Schwarber
Management Consultant
I have used The PEOPLE Process® for over twelve years in structuring my professional training programs. There is no better program to build leadership and teambuilding skills. In addition, I continually use the program in teacher and parent workshops in teaching them how to understand the children at home and in the classroom.
The packaged materials developed by The PEOPLE Process® staff are organized in a way to make it simple for both the trainer and the client. You are rapidly able to organize your specific training to meet the individual needs of those in your workshop.
In addition,your clients will find it is an enjoyable way to improve their communication skills.
Ed Herman
Area Director/San Gabriel
The Lakeland Group
I'm a consultant, working with teams who need help working together. Over the years, I have found that Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
By using the circular wheel, conversations move from being "boxed in" by one's profile, to identifying ways one can "round out" one's personality by expanding into the other profile dimensions. With the backside of the wheel offering behavioral suggestions to improve interactions with others, the workshops shift from merely learning to actually applying the concepts.
I enjoy helping my clients recapture the excitement of self-awareness and appreciation of diversity offered by MBTI®.in a simplified format that shifts the focus to generous and responsible action, guided by self-awareness and appreciation of others' needs.
Elizabeth McGrath
President - The Lakeland Group
Organization Improvement Consultant
United Way of Southern Nevada
“On behalf of our entire organization, I would like to thank you for sharing The PEOPLE Process® with the United Way Program Selection Volunteers. I feel the knowledge gained by everyone will help them work together as a highly efficient and cohesive team. As a result of the training, most of the teams have already accomplished half of their appointed duties and I am extremely pleased with the rate and degree of which the teams are moving ahead.”
Jane Jensen
Director of Community Initiatives
“Now that about five weeks have passed since the staff of our small business experienced The PEOPLE Process®, I would like to report that it has, indeed, made noticeable differences. Though our group was widely dissimilar in personality types, a sense of unity has been created, inter-personal working relationships have been strengthened and needed company goals have been fashioned by those who are needed to carry them to completion. These achievements can all be called ‘money-in-the-bank’. Our staff members have taken the time to fill out the ‘profile sheets’, leading to much better meshing of business activities. I find that I can relate to those in charge more openly, more cheerfully and more productively. We have been helped to diversify and involve the business in new areas, and, yes, we all have been motivated.”
Bernard Burry
ProActive Leadership Consulting Group
“I’m having great success using The PEOPLE Process® tools as an integral part of my new Total Integrity Management program for business, educational, church and non profit organizations. The managers we work with learn how they can become a positive force for turning around the current ethics crisis. They are using the tools to apply the learning outcomes we promote in one of our core modules called “The 3R’s of Right Relationships.” By using The PEOPLE Process® tools, they are better able to Recognize, Respect and Respond to their peers, bosses, subordinates and customers in ways that build healthy relationships and speed interpersonal communication. Thank you for developing such a powerful set of tools!”
Millard N. MacAdam
D.S., Nevada
“We are a stronger band of brothers and have experienced far fewer unresolved conflict issues as a direct result of the Team Skills Training. The training has taught us that conflict can be good as long as we recognize what it is and both manage and master it without getting personal. Pam has earned her position on our team and has made us more efficient internally so we can be more efficient externally for our customers.”
D.B., California
“I am totally impressed! Pam Hollister has done what even I thought impossible. I thought at best she could take the edge off an incorrigible gang of neurotics looking out for their own most precious personal space and interests. Seems she stepped in and empowered those in the group that had leadership talent. More importantly, she empowered the assigned leader who decided to take action on Pam’s prompt.”
R.N., California
“Our team received very complimentary Contractor Performance Assessment Report (CPAR) ratings across the board from the U.S. Air Force. The high CPAR ratings were partly credited to The PEOPLE Process Team Skills Training.”
EPM Consulting
“Thank you for your very timely article on Career & Personality Type in this edition of your newsletter. I have previously purchased your training pack & profile sheets, and use them in my Personal Effectiveness Programmes (which I call LifeSkills). People are constantly amazed by the typeology, and its correlation with their personal traits. In November I am running a number of workshops for Job Seekers, and have scheduled a PEOPLE Process session as part of this programme. This will focus on the areas your newsletter refers to, so thank you for doing some of my advance homework for me! It is much appreciated.”
Patrick Murray
Donegal, Ireland
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is a trademark or registered trademark of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries.