The People Process package

The PEOPLE Process® Ordering Information

The PEOPLE Process® can be ordered here online.


You may choose quantities once you click "Add to Cart"

Payments are processed via Paypal. We accept Visa, Mastercard,
American Express, Discover and Paypal account funds for payment.

Volume Orders: Please contact us for pricing on orders
of 30 or more Participant Packages

To order with a company check or
on account with purchase order
, please
download our order form
(Microsoft Word Document)

Participant's Package:
$25.00  (Includes Wheel, Booklet and 1 set of Profile Sheets)


Trainer's Manual: $50.00


Training/Presentation PowerPoint: $25.00
A 21-slide PowerPoint presentation that is excellent for use in conducting a training or giving a presentation to management on the benefits of using The PEOPLE Process to train employees in how to understand and use psychological type.
Click here to view a screen shot or click here to download a three slide demo of the presentation.

The PEOPLE Process Wheel: $13.00 (Purchased Separately)


The PEOPLE Process Booklet: $13.00 (Purchased Separately)


The PEOPLE Process Profile Sheets: $5.00 (1 set of 16 different types)


The PEOPLE Process Profile Sheets: $7.00 (Pkg. of 50 - All the same type)
Specify 4 letter type:


The PEOPLE Process Profile Sheets: $8.00 (3 sets of 16 different types)

or order our various publications in any of the following ways:

PHONE (702) 396-5126

FAX (702) 254-3069

2620 Regatta Drive
Suite 102
Las Vegas, NV 89128

EMAIL Click below to submit email order
[email protected]

ORDER FORM print out and fax or mail